Tropic + JPMorgan
Complimentary Tech Stack Analysis and Other Perks
Tropic and J.P. Morgan have partnered to offer exclusive rewards and discounts to J.P. Morgan’s Beyond Banking clients.
Complimentary Tech Stack Analysis & Recommendations Report: Identify overlapping suppliers and opportunities to reduce your software spend
Upcoming software renewal? Tropic will provide a complimentary price benchmark to know if you're getting a good price
Plus we'll waive your implementation fee!
JPMorgan Chase & Co. has no liability for the supplier, products, or services listed and shall not be responsible for any associated pricing, costs, fees or expenses, quality, warranties or any customer service.
Tropic is Paradise
Save on SaaS expenses
Tropic is an outsourced procurement service. On average, we save our customers 23% by leveraging volume and experience to negotiate more efficiently.
At high-growth startups, there are better uses of time than SaaS vendor management. We give you back your time by handling procurement, from end-to-end. Once we’re up and running, Tropic is the only contract you need to manage.